Update: ExcerptsPlus 3.4.1


ExcerptsPlus 3.41 has been released with quite a few changes.

One of the bigger changes is the tabs in the Visual Editor for ExcerptsPlus have been re-organised. Hopefully they follow a more logical workflow. There’s a page in the guide highlighting the changes. http://guides.pizazzwp.com/excerptsplus/excerptsplus-v3-4-tab-layout-changes/

Sorry for any confusion, but hopefully you’ll quickly adjust and see the benefit – and find options you may have missed previously.


ADDED: Option to override the “Full width content” to show as excerpts.
ADDED: Option to ‘Always show read more text’
ADDED: A class .ep-any-sticky-post that will apply to any sticky post, regardless of the “Stickies First” setting.
ADDED: WP-Updates support for non-Headway sites
ADDED: Design Mode styling option for paragraphs in custom fields.
ADDED: ep_before_loop_start hook. Useful for displaying things like WP-PageNavi atthetop of the block.
ADDED: Options to change meta text for comments


CHANGED: Major reorganisation of Visual Editor settings to improve workflow and usability. See here for overview of changes: http://guides.pizazzwp.com/excerptsplus/excerptsplus-v3-4-tab-layout-changes/
CHANGED: Using new date query methods for date filtering.
CHANGED: Image processing memory limit now WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT to match WordPress.
CHANGED: Switched to WP’s function for creating file paths for creating the cache path.
CHANGED: Order of tabs on Visual Editor
CHANGED: Now using wp_trim_words for trimming excerpt by words.
CHANGED: Removed WP post fields from custom fields drop down
CHANGED: Image widths when image behind to improve responsive behaviour. Images should now maintain 100% height, rather than 100% width.
This is to stop the gap opening between text and images but does mean images will crop on smaller screens and will not fill cell width if smaller than the cell width if the cell width changes to larger, eg. 25% to 100%.
CHANGED: jQuery Cycle naming to cycle1 to remove conflict with Cycle2 plugins

FIXED: Missing margins options from Design Mode
FIXED: A few minor notice messages
FIXED: Sort ordering not being applied to archive views.
FIXED: Slider not sliding
FIXED: Missing line breaks in WYSIWYG custom fields
FIXED: Caption to show when image is in the title
FIXED: Caption not showing for featured images that weren’t originally attached to the current post.
FIXED: Some sites add gumpf after the file extension, which was causing cache images to not be created as E+ couldn’t recognize the extension.
FIXED: Custom field showing groups 1 for all groups
FIXED: Focal point not working with attached/embedded images
FIXED: Strange alignments with entry titles when padding or margins added in Design Mode. Something had made the linked titles inline instead of inline-block.
FIXED: No content showing from pre-3.1.1 E+ blocks displaying custom post types
FIXED: Custom fields showing unformatted
