For the Headway Theme Framework, Swiss Army Block is a collection of small blocks that each do one simple task in a Headway block form to make your life easier. Currently, it consists of nine blocks and two extensions:
Author, Documents, HeaderPlus, Icons, Related Post, SearchPlus, Sets, Spacer and Titles
Outer Space and Widows
Sets Block
Sets Block lets you create re-usable sets of blocks. Great for headers and footers, and styling the background of multiple blocks as one.
Create the blocks on a Headway template, add them to a Sets Block, then mirror that Sets Block where ever you want that set of blocks to appear!
Sets Blocks can even be nested, that is, one Sets Block can contain another Sets Block.
The first image shows a header created in Sets Block. It is made up of 5 different blocks which are then contained in one Sets Block for easy reuse on other layouts. It contains nested sets which make use of the “Full wrapper width” setting.
SearchPlus allows searching and filtering on:
- Text
- Date
- Content types (post, page and custom post types)
- Taxonomies (Categories, tags and custom taxonomies)
Results can also be sorted by date or title, and taxonomy terms can be set to display for all terms or any terms. For sites with a lot of content, or sites with a lot of custom content or taxonomies, SearchPlus is a must have. To try it out, visit PizazzWP’s search page
Author Block
Highly customizable block to display author biographies.
Related Posts Block
- Show related posts based on ANY taxonomy or combination – i.e. categories, tags, custom taxonomies or a mix.
- Match based on any or all terms.
- Show the relevance (i.e. percentage of categories, tags or both that match in each related post) as a count or percentage.
- Limit the posts shown to those that match a minimum number of terms.
- Option to exclude specific terms (by ID). E.g. Exclude the category”Featured Posts” by entering its ID
- Option to specify the post link tooltip, including showing terms that match.
Documents Block
The Swiss Army Documents block provides a nicely formatted list of downloadable documents with columns for document title, category, last update and file size. It provides sorting of both the documents and the columns; hiding of columns; and is responsively enabled for small screen devices.
Icons Block
Icons Block also lets upload your own icons (to /wp-content/uploads/pizazzwp/sab-icons/custom), so you can use any icon set with the Icons Block.
Furthermore, you can display any images in an Icons block, using the custom image option. Thus you can also use Icons as a simple image display block.
Spacer Block
Titles Block
A simple block for making section titles on your layouts.
Buy Swiss Army Block at Headway Themes Extend
You may also try a live demo of Headway and PizazzWP add-ons before purchasing.