Last week saw an update to SliderPlus with several enhancements and a few bug fixes. Look for it in WP Admin plugin updates, or download directly through the WP Admin PizazzWP menu.
The most useful new feature for Headway users, is you can now style your SliderPlus slideshows from the Visual Editor, Design Mode
Full changelog
1.2.3: 28-July-2013
CHANGED: Removed some transitions that weren’t working
FIXED: Slide height was wrong when navigation position set to left or right
FIXED: Both arrows showing when using custom images for hover arrows
FIXED: “Add Media” button no longer working in Slides since 1.2.1
FIXED: Extra space showing at bottom of slideshow
FIXED: Vertical navs busting layout if borders applied
ADDED: Stylings for Headway users in Visual Editor Design Mode
FIXED: An extremely rare situation where sometimes image filenames have some junk on the end put there by unknown plugin. S+ now removes the junk.
ADDED: Option to not resize images and display the original image. Useful when the highest quality image is required as server resizing isn’t as good as Photoshop’s
FIXED: Destination URL in Slides not working.
FIXED: Missing hover nav buttons