New plugin, Codex, for documentation is now available

Codex Documentation System plugin for WordPress

I am very excited to announce the release of my latest plugin, Codex.

Codex is a documentation system plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily create beautiful, step-based documentation showing text, images/videos and/or code with a choice of seven different layouts.


  • Choose from seven different step layouts to assign to each Codex document
  • Steps have up to three sections, with each set to display text, code or images/videos
  • Use shortcodes and widgets to display table of contents, and document listings
  • Responsive and mobile friendly
  • Codex documents are standard WordPress custom post type so are easily displayable by any theme.
  • Developers can add their own layouts and use their own CSS styling
  • Works with any WordPress theme

Learn more about Codex

Buy Codex
