New block: Swiss Army Block

Swiss Army Block

Have just sent the new Swiss Army Block off to Headway. Look for it on Headway Extend in the next few days.

Swiss Army Block is a collection of smaller but very useful blocks that each do one simple task in a Headway block form, making your website design and development easier.

Currently it consists of three blocks, but with more to come:

Author Block

Author block is a highly customizable block that allows you to dislay author profile information on single post pages. Furthermore, you can specify the author to show in the block, thus enabling you to create a page with the biographies of all your authors.

Other features:

  • Configure which elements to show
  • Show user photo or gravatar
  • Icon styled links to Twitter, Facebook, Email, Other posts, and user website
  • Option for custom links
  • Layout options for positioning photo left, or rght, and text-wrapped or not.
  • Option to show specific author

Related Posts Block

Show related posts based on the categories, tags or both of the curent post. Includes an option to show the relevance (i.e. percentage of categories, tags or both that match in each related post).

Titles Block

The Titles Block simply provides a block that can be used for making sectional titles on your layouts. Titles can also have gradients with drop shadows applied to them.

For a user guide, visit: Swiss ArmyBlock User Guide
