ExcerptsPlus 3.0.1 update


Some useful new features and fixes in Excerpts 3.0.1

ADDED: Cell footer as an extra structure area below each cell

ADDED: Advanced styling for Cell Wrapper

ADDED: Third Meta area fields


CHANGED: Cells to internally use percentage widths to improve responsive layout

UPGRADED: Pizazz libs 1.3.3 with extra Pizazz Options menu

FIXED: Duplicate display of captions

The cell footer is something I’ve seen a bit in site design lately, such as Mashable and Alfred

alfred-blog mashable


and Alfred.

On this site, you can see a simple usage on the home page in the right column how each post has a grey footer with the categories in it.

A feature that I forgot to mention in the last release is the meta areas are now split left and right. With 3.0.1 adding a third meta area, this means you have 6 separate sections you can display not just meta information, but any HTML or PHP.

Look for 3.0.1 update on your WP Admin Plugins updates. As always, if it doesn’t appear there, you can manually download it from the WP Admin PizazzWP page.
