Category Archives: News

Architect v1.11 with more for Beaver, photographers, advanced users and a Lite version!

Today see the release of Architect v1.11 with three new Beaver Builder modules; enhancements for photographers; multiple methods to display any field from any table; Gutenberg compatibility fixes and the usual plethora of tweaks and fixes.

New Beaver Builder Modules
– Maps Extended module can use any field from any table for map address
– Any Fields module displays content from any field in any table
– Adaptive Sidebar module load sidebars on specific devices

For photographers
– Add textual copyright marks to your images on the fly
– Set compression for the featured images
– Disable right click saving and copying of images

For advanced WordPress users
Display any field from any table using a Blueprint, with the Beaver module, or with the new Missing table and field data shortcode.

If you’re using Blox or Headway, Architect also fully supports them with the Architect block.

Any fields caveat
Due to the many ways to create custom fields, and many field types, the any fields functionality may not actually be able to display *any* field properly without me making enhancements. Therefore, please contact me if you encounter a field you cannot display properly.

Architect Lite
With the switch to Freemius, I am able to easily provide a Lite version of Architect. Contact me if you would like to try it.

The full changelog can be viewed on the Architect website


Pizazz shop is moving to Freemius eCommerce platform

With the imminent release of Architect v1.10, I am moving to the online sales platform provided by Freemius. Previously I was using Easy Digital Downloads. The reason for move is simply Freemius provides more features and in a single package, with much simpler licesing. Currently, only Architect has been migrated, but the others will follow.… Continue Reading

Architect 1.8 has better Blueprint editor and responsive options

Architect v1.8 is out now and bring many tweaks and fixes, plus several new features, most notable are an improved and easier Blueprint editor and easier control of titles and content font size responsiveness. Blueprint editor now has tabs for components and layout type For a long time, I’ve wondered if Architect would be even easier if… Continue Reading

Architect 1.5 is here with Masonry filtering and sorting and more!

Architect 1.5 has half a dozen new features to make designing and laying out WordPress content even easier and more powerful for you. Masonry Filtering and Sorting Number one among them is filtering and sorting on Masonry layouts, with full support of custom fields and taxonomies. A tutorial can be viewed on the Architect documentation And… Continue Reading
