This week sees updates released for all the PizazzWP blocks.
You will notice a difference when you install them. They will ask you to install the PizazzWP Libraries plugin.
Keep an eye on your WP plugins page for the updates.
Any issues, let us know at
Hostgator hassles
It’s become apparent Hostgator won’t allow you to use the dependency installer for the PizazzWP Libraries plugin.
However, you can install it manually.
Change logs
* ADDED: Option to custom fields to indicate field is an image, so it’\s value is then put in an img tag to display it.
* FIXED: Styling for custom field content not showing in Design Editor
* CHANGED: Moved tint colour to same section (Images) as tint opacity since it is directly connected with Image Behind
* ADDED: Option to limit the number of images to show
* FIXED: Content type selection not displaying correct filtering options
* ADDED: Option to strip iframes from body content
* CHANGED: Made title line height 1.1
* ADDED: Responsive options for content
* ADDED: Option to enable or not changing of nav titles to bullets on phones
* UPDATED: jQuery Cycle2 to v2.1.2
* FIXED: Bug when no transition duration set (slideshow would screw up and go blank)
* CHANGED: Rejigged how scripts are loaded
* CHANGED: Code structure so shortcode isn’t called by block
* FIXED: Sometimes theme was coming up null coz of typo in variable name.
* FIXED: Paragraph breaks going missing in content
* CHANGED: Renamed to Slider Plus (i.e. added a space. This simply is to improve search hits for it)
Swiss Army Block
* CHANGED: Moved Pizazz libs to their own plugin for heaps easier management
* FIXED: Left & right wings not displaying correctly since HW3.6 in OUTER SPACE
* FIXED: Missing test display for Help below criteria in SEARCHPLUS
* FIXED: Missing test display for Start and End date in SEARCHPLUS
* ADDED fields to customise the Date and Title labels in SEARCHPLUS
* CHANGED Filter by names to use actual taxonomy names in SEARHPLUS
* FIXED Request string showing when it is deselected in SEARCHPLUS
* ADDED field to enter Read More text in SEARCHPLUS
* FIXED: Localised names for post types not used in SEARCHPLUS
* ADDED: Option to display post/page title in HEADERPLUS
* CHANGED: Removed hard coded default fonts in HEADERPLUS css
* CHANGED: Removed image check in HEADERPLUS so can be used with no images.
* ADDED:Authors to options to search by in SEARCHPLUS
* ADDED: Content type to meta section in SEARCHPLUS output
* CHANGED: Removed code that was stripping shortcodes.
PizazzWP Libraries
* FIXED: Tabs in SliderPlus etc not showing active tab differently
* FIXED: Tabs in SliderPlus etc showing annoying outline on icons when selected
* CHANGED: Now a standalone plugin
* CHANGED: Uses FreshDesk support form now – with built in knowledge base search!
* ADDED: Auto updates from
* CHANGED: ui-dialog z-index to 300002 to match WP